From The Pastor's Pen


I am a pastor; a mentor; I attempt to lead and influence in the best way I can to bring people closer to Jesus. That means I want to see people helped, delivered, established, and empowered in Christ to fulfill their life’s destiny and calling. I also passionately embrace the church’s calling to be more than comfortable, but to “bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.”

What does that have to do with fall elections? EVERYTHING. I am mostly conservative by persuasion; I am committed to Biblical truth and morality. But I am Christian first and foremost by surrender to the One who loved and saved me. In personal relationship with Jesus, I also realize that we are all yet fallible and are learning to walk in an ever- increasing godly way. We are being changed day by day to be more like Jesus, but none of us are there yet. Therefore, I am also deeply committed to being a Door OPENER, not a Door CLOSER. God helps failing and hurting people and that also is our commitment as Christians who walk by grace through faith in Jesus. We hold the door of grace OPEN to people, whether or not they believe as “we do” on every issue.

I realized a few years back that I had rarely led a Democrat to Jesus. Yes, I understand that committed Christians abandoned politics for generations and immorality became the ever-beckoning platform and persuasion of our country’s direction. I joined in the huge re-awakening of Christian involvement in politics in the late 70’s and 80’s, and I have both exercised and urged others to exercise their right to vote and be involved in our country’s politics according to their political persuasions.

But I also discovered, in a lot of our involvement, there seemed to be an anger, a reactionism, an on-going spirit of accusation, a belief system that at least touched on a “conspiracy theorism” regarding those who believed in liberal causes.

We became very successful at CLOSING DOORS to those whom we considered of “liberal leanings.” We too quickly concluded that they were “not of God” as WE defined those parameters. And that means we had NO ears to hear concerns from “the other side”, regardless of the legitimacy of issues, questions, or criticisms. Too often conservative Christians hunkered down with a “defensive mentality” and angry spirit.

We tiraded against teen pregnancy but did little to support unwed mothers. We were and are against communism and tyrannical dictatorships, which crush individuals, faith, and hope. However, we rarely evaluated the sins and abuses which can be found in our own system of capitalism and accomplishes some of the same crushing of faith and hope. Some conservative Christians pound pulpits defending our right to rid the world from evil dictators, but rare it is when a pulpit gets pounded decrying the sinful ethics of corporate greed. Rare is the conservative concern of the rich getting richer and the poor getting laid off—that is rarely our scope of discussion. We got upset at “urban solutionism” and “great society liberal programs” but did little, even in lip service, to shelter and feed the homeless.

Surely I understand that wonderful God-fearing, moral, Bible believing Christians have founded the world’s greatest charities, hospitals, feeding, clothing and nurturing the poor, helping the sick and infirmed, educating and healing. I DO understand that wrong systems of beliefs lead to wrong solutions, and that MAN is NOT the answer, nor the GOVERNMENT programs he oft recommends. I am simply trying to bring some illumination to the shallow DOOR CLOSING that too often takes place in the WAR OF WORDS in which far too many Christians find themselves engaged.

Examine the root and the fruit. If the root of the talk-show we watch or to which we listen is anger, hatred, and fear-mongering, then perhaps as we give ourselves to it’s listening, we will give ourselves to it’s fruit. And, we may find ourselves angrily becoming DOOR CLOSERS instead of DOOR OPENERS to those we are here to help. The world needs to see our fruit in order to believe in our ROOT, Jesus Christ.

As Christians, let’s be involved. Let’s vote. Let’s lead. Let’s stand for Biblical truth. Indeed, VOTE your conscience. Let us align Biblical truth with our voting position. DO examine the political platforms, the voting records, the crucial issues of character. Thank God we live in a wonderful nation where we can do just that.

But please remember that truth without love often can not be heard or received. Most importantly, let’s remember that God is not Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or an Independent Republicratarian. HE is GOD and we are NOT. Let’s do our best to live the fruit of Jesus, stand against the hatred and anger, and let us continue to reach out to others with the love of Jesus Christ, whether or not that individual or group believes in our favorite cause like we do. Let’s keep the Doors open to those who might see things differently than we.

During the Civil War, people asked Abraham Lincoln whether or not God was on “our side.” His answer was particularly illuminating. “It matters not whether God is on our side. What matters is whether or not WE are on the side of GOD.” Amen.


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